RV Camping with Kids

Posted on Aug 10, 2020

Not all vacations are accommodating to those who have children. Traveling by plane, staying in hotels or going to all-inclusive resorts can be stressful when with the whole family... not to mention, the cost!

The great thing about RV'ingis that it can be fun for the whole family and it's a cost-effective way to enjoy time away with the kids and experience new places as a family. We're not saying RVing with the kids is stress-free but here are some tips to help you along the way.

Have A Plan

When traveling with kids, you're going to want to be as prepared as possible. Make sure you have a solid plan around your entire trip. Figure out where you're going and what to see and what to do when you get there. Plan where you'll stop for bathroom breaks and where you'll stop for a fill up on gas and a snack break. Having a plan for your trip from beginning to end will ensure you're prepared as possible.

Pack & Organize

Start off by Googling where you're going and what there is to do there. This will give you an idea of what you need to bring with you. If there's a lake, you'll want to bring a couple of bathing suits, towels and water floaters or life jackets. If fishing is an option, you may want to make sure you have fishing rods and bait.

Make sure your meals are (somewhat) organized. Have a plan of what you're going to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. Again, this will help you figure out what you need to bring in terms of utensils and it'll determine your grocery list.

Be sure to pack each kid a piece of clothing for any type of weather. As we know, weather can be unpredictable and the last thing you want is not having rain boots or a sweater when the temperature drops or it begins to rain.

If you really want to have an organized trip, create an itinerary for your trip. This will help you stay organized with what you're doing each day, where you're going, what you'll be doing and what you're eating and when. It may also make it easier for you when your kids know what to expect each day.

Bring Entertainment

There is only so much dirt, rocks and bugs that will entertain kids before you hear "we're bored!" Make sure you have a variety of entertainment planned for the entire trip, from th car ride there to rainy day activities and nighttime fun. Here are some ideas to help get you started: bubbles, chalk, colouring books, balls (soccer, football, volleyball), crafts, magnifying glass, binoculars, cards, board games, and water floaters/toys. You can even go the extra mile and print off scavenger hunts and nature sensory games to get them exploring the outdoors.

Stick To A Routine.

If you read books or tell stories before bed at night, don't skip out on that just because you're in a different place and the surroundings and circumstances may be different. Stick to your regular bedtime routines even when you're camping. Put them in their pyjamas, have them brush their teeth and let them pick their favourite bedtime story just as you would if you were at home. Keep bedtime and sleeping habits as close to routine as possible - especially in very young children (i.e. if you use a white noise machine at home, bring it with you). Don't change your routines based on your environment.

Enjoy It & Have Fun.

The number one tip for the entire trip is to enjoy it and have fun. Don't get stressed out and overthink the entire trip. You won't create the perfect experience on your first try, so roll with the punches. Take notes to remind yourself what you should and shouldn't bring next time or what to do or not to do. The important thing to remember is, it's supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience for the whole family so don't miss out on that by focusing on what didn't go as planned.

Article Tags

  • RV Camping
  • RV Vacation
  • Camping with kids