ManufacturerOTHER | SleepsN/A |
BrandTINY FOOTPRINT HOMES | Interior ColorN/A |
ModelTHE BACHELOR | Slide OutsN/A |
Stock#100 | Tip OutsN/A |
TypePARK MODEL | ExteriorN/A |
StatusNEW | Roof TypeN/A |
Exterior Length34.0 ft. | LevelingN/A |
Vehicle Weight8000 lbs. | SuspensionN/A |
If potential buyers would like to view please schedule appointment. This unit is off-site of Happy Hollow Campground Inc property for inquiry call office519-529-7632 or email happyhollowcamp@hurontel.on.ca
This unit will be built on-site accordance with the Ontario Building Code(OBC). This unit was permitted and inspected by The Municipality of Huron East. This unit is a 8.5' wide x 34' long unit +5' covered deck, to be placed on helical piles. Attached, is a detailed floor plan outlining all wall locations as well as windows, doors and bedroom locations. Each room and hallway is designed in accordance to the OBC in terms of minimal floor space, ceiling heights and other variances. Everything outlined is specific to this floor plan is named "The bachelor" TFH owns all the rights to each individual drawing and floor plan as it is designed by our company and stamped as such. This home was designed by Tyler as Neo-Scenic Designs.
The Bachelor series Build Sheet is available by PDF
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